Marriage is hard work. No matter how in sync you are, a marriage consists of two people who have different needs and desires. It’s only natural that you and your spouse will go through some adjustment issues that most hopefully you’ll be able to weather. If over time, things don’t work out, there is a chance that your marriage will end in divorce.
But what about marriages that last less than a year? Doesn’t that only happen to Hollywood couples? Surely, those couples had to have had doubts about the strength of their relationship or some understanding that there were problems in the relationship. Why, then, did they go forward with the marriage?
There are many reasons that couples give for moving out and filing for divorce before their first anniversary. And, it doesn’t just happen to celebrity couples. The problem is that couples assume that things will get better once they’ve made the commitment to get married. The problems they’ve had when they dated or lived together, the stress of planning a wedding, or any commitment issues that either one has had will magically disappear when they’re married.
Unfortunately, the fact is that these couples may simply be incompatible, but that’s just one reason for a marriage to end before the couple celebrates their first anniversary.
The Common Culprits
In addition to incompatibility, there are some other common reasons for marriages that end fast. A lot of marriages that end in the first year do so because of cheating. Another complaint often heard is that “my spouse became a different person after we married.”
Getting married too young or when there is a significant difference in age or maturity can be deal-breakers for some marriages. Perhaps getting pregnant resulted in the couple rushing into marriage when they weren’t ready. Or, for other couples, issues about getting pregnant become insurmountable.
Then there are couples who are suddenly faced with that reality that their spouse is addicted to drugs or alcohol, or is secretly in debt for a large sum of money and then drains the joint accounts of every penny.
Better Late Than Never
If you’re recently married, but are now considering divorce, you’re not alone. Sadly, a number of couples will find themselves separating and filing for divorce before they celebrate their first anniversary. The emotional impact of ending a marriage that just got started is incredibly stressful, especially if you don’t know where to start with divorce.
Starting the divorce process can be overwhelming and intimidating, but at Buncher Family Law we can offer guidance and support with the goal of helping you move forward with your life.