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3 Quick Tips on what to do After Divorce

Divorce is one of the most stressful events in many people’s lives. Of course, there are the legal and financial aspects that must be dealt with, but it’s all of the emotions that can turn your world upside down.

Once you’ve signed those papers and your divorce is finalized, you’ll need to take some time to figure out what to do after getting divorced. This can also be a very emotional as well as stressful time, but it also can be a transformative and positive period in your life.

Where are you going to go from here? How are you going to deal with being single again? What’s your new life going to look like? Discovering the answers to these and other post-divorce questions can be challenging, but there are some important tips for life after divorce that can set you on the path to recovery and start you moving towards your new life.

You need to let yourself grieve. Whether the divorce was your idea or not, you’ve lost a big part of your life, and you need time to mourn what you once had, good or bad. It’s a good idea to work through your feelings — anger, sadness, resentment, guilt — so that you’re not carrying them around and letting them interfere with your future happiness. This may mean talking to a therapist, finding a support group, or focusing all those emotions in a healthy activity of your choosing. 

It is prudent to enlist the services of a good financial planner, especially if you’re divorcing with debt or are a single parent.  Working together you and your financial planner, you can set financial goals and start working towards creating a financially stable future.

At Buncher Family Law, Orange County family law attorneys, we have helped many of our clients overcome the divorce process and move on with their lives. 

Post Divorce Steps

You may have given up things that you enjoyed before you married because you couldn’t enjoy them as a couple. After a divorce, you have the chance to rediscover yourself, renew your old interests and pursue some new ones.  Start a new hobby, take those trips you’ve been putting off, join the local fitness center or go back to college. 

Take your time before considering a new relationship and make yourself your first priority. Self-care — physical, mental, emotional, spiritual — is very important in order to move forward after a divorce. Figure out what you want your future to look like and start working towards getting there.

Taking the First Steps

If you’re considering divorce, taking those first steps towards initiating the process can be difficult. Before making any decisions, consider speaking with an attorney who is experienced in the field of family law and divorce.

A divorce attorney will let you know when an expedited divorce is possible, which can be a relatively straight-forward and inexpensive procedure for ending a marriage. The attorneys at Buncher Family Law, divorce attorneys in Irvine, can help you develop real solutions to your marital issues.

Posted in California Divorce Lawyer, Divorce Transitioning.