Divorcing During Covid? Do you Need a Clear Legal Strategy?

Divorcing During Covid? Do you Need a Clear Legal Strategy?

Since the end of March, we’ve had many inquiries about the status of family law issues. How are they affected by the pandemic? Are couples being driven to divorce because of quarantine tensions? Or are the uncertain times putting family issues on hold?

The answer is both. During typical times when a couple has been struggling in their marriage, most of their interactions will be neutral or negative. But with the increased tensions from being thrown together for so much more time and having their familiar routines completely disrupted, some couples have decided that they need to move on with their lives and file for a marital dissolution.

With the American divorce rate currently at 50% of all marriages, many are predicting that with all of the negative influences of Covid, that number may increase significantly over the next year.

There are certainly many challenges for couples who may wish to physically separate into different homes as a next step. But the pandemic makes divorce that more challenging. How is child support figured out with children homeschooling and the extra supervision or related cost for childcare? What happens if one spouse has lost their job? Has the value of your assets declined?

At some point during a crisis, couples either get closer together or they may realize they need to split from their spouse because life is too short. But even under the best of circumstances, going through the divorce process can add so much stress. Many couples remain conflicted about how to move forward at this time.

At Buncher Family Law, we are seeing a significant uptick in the number of inquiries from individuals considering divorce at this time or looking to modify their current orders. While the courts are open, judges are overwhelmed, and remote hearings don’t allow for the same time and consideration one might get in a courtroom.

For those couples that wish to litigate issues or have no choice but to do so, we are able to start the process, strategize, and move forward with the courts, admittedly a bit slower at this time. But for those who wish to complete the process now, we are finalizing divorces through other means such as through a mediated divorce or with a private judge.

Every divorce or separation has its challenges. If you are uncertain how to proceed, perhaps you might schedule a Clear Legal Strategy Meeting to explore your options and examine the pros and cons, from a legal perspective. It is easier to make a clear decision with the knowledge of your options on your side. You can schedule a meeting by calling us or going online at https://buncherlaw.com/the-clear-legal-strategy/.

Posted in Court Preparation, Divorce finances.