If you’re like most people going through the divorce process, you may experience some fear and anxiety about getting divorced for a period of time. Any life changing event can be anxiety, stress, and fear producing. But divorce is right up there at the top of the list because facing the unknown can be scary as well as stressful, especially if you have kids.
You may deal with insecurity when it comes to your income or living situation. You may wonder whether you’re going to have a relationship with your ex and what that will be like. You might have concerns about dating again. And, there might be anxiety about what’s going to happen during the actual divorce court process itself.
Some have trouble sleeping or eating. Some may find themselves crying having their emotions run the gamut from fear, to sadness, to anger, to hurt, or even to resentment, before and after the divorce. These are normal and appropriate reactions when ending a marriage.
There are alternatives for dealing with anxiety and fear such as therapy, exercise, lifestyle changes — even meditation.
Everything will be OK
If you’re experiencing divorce anxiety and fears about getting divorced, you’re not alone. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, approximately 30 to 40 percent of individuals undergoing divorce report a significant increase in the symptoms of depression or anxiety.
Instead of focusing on all of the negatives about divorce, focus on the positives. Would you rather stay in a bad marriage that had its share of stress and anxiety? Concentrate on what you have — good family, kids and friends that love you and will provide support during difficult times. Begin expanding your social network by engaging in new activities such as joining a book club or taking a class.
Consider working on you. Join a gym or an exercise class. Hire a personal trainer. Exercise can help you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.
The thought of dating again can cause stress, especially after being part of a couple for many years. Everyone has their own personal timeline. The most important thing is to take your time and focus on your needs — such as getting your finances in order, building a social network, or dealing with the practicalities of living alone or parenting alone.
Talk to Someone who Understands
The most important thing to keep in mind is that you’re not alone in experiencing fear and anxiety about getting divorced, navigating the divorce process, and dealing with what comes afterwards. Perhaps you have considered some of the negative or bad reasons to stay married but now you are ready to move on with your life.
At Buncher Family Law, divorce attorneys in Irvine, CA, we understand that the divorce process can be stressful and overwhelming. We will work with you to explore all of your options and provide you with sound advice on how you can best move forward in the process but, most importantly, minimize any fear or anxiety you may feel.