Experiencing money problems within a marriage can be the source of frequent and heated arguments. Many separated couples who experienced prolonged financial stress cite this issue as the root cause of divorce. […]
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Getting Divorced When Renting a House or an Apartment
Young couples starting out often need to rent for some time before they purchase a house. Others have opted or were forced to sign rental agreements due to the recent economic turmoil […]
Continue readingHow to End a Marriage After 25 Years
Deciding to get divorced several decades into a marriage can feel isolating, as though you are the only one experiencing this. In reality, “gray divorce,” which refers to couples who separate in […]
Continue readingRenting an Apartment After Divorce
One of the biggest emotional shifts you will experience when getting a divorce is suddenly living on your own again. It’s hard to know what to expect when you and your partner […]
Continue readingWho Pays for College After Divorce?
The cost of a college education, including tuition, living expenses, books and more, has grown significantly over the past 20 years. The price tag has risen to the point that for most […]
Continue readingConsiderations When Divorcing a Sick Spouse
Although not necessarily obvious to everyone, it is no surprise to many that when one spouse becomes ill with a terminal or chronic disease, the incidence of divorce increases. Serious illness often […]
Continue readingSpousal Support: Divorcing After Ten Years of Marriage
There is a common misconception that when a couple divorces after more than 10 years of marriage, spousal support will be paid indefinitely. That is not correct. There are about 16 factors […]
Continue readingHow Might Cryptocurrency Impact Your Divorce?
Most of us are aware of the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin. Although these currencies began to be purchased primarily with tech investors, they have become more mainstream over the […]
Continue readingHow to Navigate Divorcing the Breadwinner
When your marriage ends you and your spouse will face a number of significant decisions regarding how to separate your lives. Some will be easy to conclude and others, like figuring out […]
Continue readingDivorcing a Gambling Addict
Lots of people enjoy occasional gambling. But once a person transitions from occasional gambling to compulsively gambling, it is time to seek professional assistance. Even if your spouse is not gambling daily […]
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